Traveling to Seville


This is Will Kealy blogging my experiences from my semester in Sevilla. Starting off with a wonderful day in Chicago, running around before the flight. We spent the afternoon looking at Elk in Chicago. If you're ever looking for something to do near O'Hare international check out Busse Woods, which just has a small elk population and nice outdoor vibes coming from the Chicago area. The flight experience was hurry up and wait,  as the lines were long. This was my first time flying internationally and even the flight was a fun experience, basically just chatted up my new friends Janez and Daria from Slovenia, about their surfing trip to Hawaii and making potential ski plans for Kravavec. Tried to watch a movie but accidentally fell asleep, and woke up in Germany. The airport was great, everyone was speaking different languages and the flight's were in German as well, as someone who has never been outside the US before, this was very amusing. Flew to Sevilla without a hitch, except that I didn't know that people flying in from outside the EU have a different hole the bags come out of, so me and some other gents freaked out a little bit before we found our stuff. It ended up working out though, because we were all able to more or less share the taxi fare. Speaking lots of Spanish to the taxi driver, and my landlady at the homestay so far!

Me leaving the country flying Lufthansa, they gave us chocolate on the flight which won over my heart. (I am impressed very easily, especially when it comes to chocolate)

First view of the Alps, Flying to Sevilla, Spain from Frankfurt, Germany
Super want to visit Chamonix Mont-Blanc area for some rad sends.


  1. Thank you Will for your blog! It was realy interesting to read and very helpful for future students who will travel for first time abroad!


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